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Teaching Philosophy

 Teaching in the modern day isn't as cut and dry as it has been in the past. While it is teachers’ job to guide and foster growth within a classroom, a student’s success is completely dependent on their willingness to succeed. A good teacher must be there intellectually and emotionally to support students to the best of their ability. Showing kindness, support, and treating students as people rather than children can make the largest difference in an academic career.


I as a teacher take up the job of showing students how lessons are applicable to their life and how they can take this knowledge into the real world as a strength rather than a burden. Feeding a teaching style through progressivism and existentialism, teachers should allow students to draw conclusions and lessons from everyday life as well as working towards solutions to find their place both within themselves and society. By allowing students to take charge of their own individual growth, with the guidance of an experienced teacher, they are placed in an environment where they are encouraged not only with education but with moving towards a larger life goal. This allows students to give a new definition to education and allows them to fuel a drive in learning. It is commonly found that motivation isn't always easy to come by and by showing students the real benefits of what they are learning, it is much easier for them to absorb the information that will help them in reaching new heights.


I like to believe that school is a way to help students grow into themselves, rather than finding a place to fit in as a cog in the machine of society. Finding individual worth within their own lives is far more valuable than collecting information that simply allows conformity. Schools are meant to build up individuals, and in turn society, rather than conforming students to a single common idea. As a teacher it is essential that I push for creativity, change and personal growth. Through this there is a strong potential for the creation of leaders, investors and innovators. By allowing students to grow within their own, they will push themselves and others in this same way

Image by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič

Every child has the potential to succeed. It is our job as educators to provide the support and resources to encourage students towards success. 

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